![Plant form: Achillea millefolium. ~ By Arthur Haines. ~ Copyright © 2018. ~ arthurhaines[at]wildblue.net](https://newfs.s3.amazonaws.com/taxon-images-239x239/Asteraceae/achillea-millefolium-lanulosa-ha-ahaines-a.jpg)
(“Common Yarrow.” Go Botany New England, gobotany.newenglandwild.org/species/achillea/millefolium/.)
Common Name(s) | Yarrow |
Scientific Name | Achillea millefolium |
Family | Asteraceae |
Location/Vegetative Zone | Thicket |
Flowering Period | May – June |
Identifying Characteristics | Strong sweet scent |
- Leaves:
- Evenly distributed
- Varying degrees of pubescence
- 5-20 cm long
- Arranged spirally
- 4-9 phyllaries
- Disk flowers are white to pink in color
- Produces small fruit
- Propagation
- Useful companion plant
- Combat soil erosion
Medicinal/Edible Uses
- In powdered form: can be sprinkled on wounds to stop bleeding and dull pain
- Anti-anxiety effects, much like prescription Valium
- Natural Antiseptic
- Anti-inflammatory & antibacterial properties
- Leaves
- Alleviate symptoms of soreness associated with breastfeeding
- Chewed on to alleviate toothaches
- Often found in topical products that treat eczema
Cultural Uses
- Middle Ages: used to make liquor and other alcoholic beverages
- Chinese Culture: considered lucky
- British folklore: believed to give second sight when leaves were held over the eyes
- Modern day: Yarrow oil can be found in shampoos
- Ornamental
- Named after Greek hero Achilles because he brought the plant as medicine for his army
“Yarrow Uses for Wounds, Inflammation, Indigestion, and More”. Dr. Axe. Dr. Axe LLD. N.d. Web.
“Yarrow”. Web MD. Web MD LLC. N.d. Web.
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