Artemisia absinthium


Photo Courtesy of K. Hubeny

Common Name(s) Wormwood
Scientific Name Artemisia absinthium
Family Asteraceae
Location/Vegetative Zone Thicket (MUP)
Flowering Period Early Summer to Early Fall
Identifying Characteristics 3-4 feet high, golden flowers


  • Herbaceous, perennial plant
  • Leaves
    • Spirally arranged
    • Greenish-grey from above, whitish below
  • Flowers
    • Pale yellow, tubular, and clustered
  • Flowers from early summer to early autumn
  • Produces a small green fruit
  • Odor resembles that of thujone

Medicinal Uses

  • Wormwood Oil
    • Treat digestive problems
    • Applied to wounds and insect bites to reduce pain
  • Supplements containing wormwood
    • Help alleviate symptoms of Crohn’s Disease
    • Reduce blood pressure

Cultural Uses

  • Principal ingredient in Absinthe, an alcoholic beverage
  • Insect repellent
  • Oil used to fragrance soaps, perfume, cosmetics, etc.


“Wormwood”. Web MD. Web MD LLC. N.d. Web

“Wormwood Herb: Health Benefits and Side Effects”. Herbal Resource. N.p. N.d. Web.

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