Leymus mollis


(“American Lyme Grass.” Go Botany, gobotany.newenglandwild.org/species/leymus/mollis/.)

Common Name(s) American dune grass, American dune wild-rye, sea lyme-grass, strand-wheat, strand grass
Scientific Name Leymus mollis
Family Poaceae
Location/Vegetative Zone Primary Dunes
Flowering Period June-July
Identifying Characteristics Thick, shiny, needle-like leaves found in clumps


  • Leaves
    • Green
    • Wheat-like on top when bloomed
    • Long, thick grass
  • Grow in groups
  • Can reach a height of 2-6 feet.
  • Have a fruiting period from summer to fall.
  • Distributed across the Eastern, Western, and Northern Coasts of North America, Greenland, and East Asia.

Cultural Uses

  • Used by Native Americans
    • Dried and used grass for basketry and weaving
    • The tough, sharp leaves could be used as a needle and thread


  • High disease resistance
  • Drought, burial, and salt tolerant
    • able to last harsh environmental conditions
  • Very adaptable


“American Dune Grass”. Monterey Bay Aquarium. Monterey Bay Aquarium Foundation. Web.

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