Pinus virginiana

Photo Courtesy of K. Hubeny

Common Name(s) Scrub Pine
Scientific Name Pinus virginiana
Family Pinaceae
Location/Vegetative Zone Thicket (Bike Path)
Flowering Period Mid-spring
Identifying Characteristics 30 to 60 feet in height when full-grown



  • Evergreen needles, 1.5 to 3 inches long
    • From each needle emerges two yellowish needles
  • Simple leaf type
  • Flowers are pine cones
    • Male flower is cylindrical and yellow
    • female flower is curved and yellow or red
  • Blooms in the autumn
  • Some have twisted trunks

Medicinal Uses

  • Has been used historically to treat worms, diarrhea, rheumatism, colds, tuberculosis, gout and measles
  • May be used as a stimulant or a sedative

Cultural Uses

  • Commonly used for Christmas trees
  • Provides wood pulp and lumber
  • Attracts various bird species
  • Bonsais
  • Tan/green dye extracted from needles


Brand, Mark H. “Pinus virginiana”. University of Connecticut. University of Connecticut Plant Database. Web.

“Medicinal Herbs: Scrub Pine”. Natural Medicinal Herbs. Spiritual Knowledge, Led Ziarovsky. Web.


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