Rosa rugosa

Photo Courtesy of K. Hubeny

Common Name(s) Salt Marsh Rose, Beach Rose
Scientific Name Rosa rugosa
Family Rosaceae
Location/Vegetative Zone Secondary Dunes
Flowering Period Late Summer/Early Fall
Identifying Characteristics Short, sharp prickles


  • Leaves
    •  8-15 cm long
    • Corrugated surface
  • Stems
    • Densely covered in short, straight prickles
  • Flowers
    • Pleasantly scented
    • Dark pink to white
  • Grows in Eastern North America
  • Height of 3-6 feet

Edible Uses

  • Hips used to make jams and jellies

Cultural Uses

  • Ornamental
  • In Asia, used as potpourri


Rosa rugosa”. Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation. 21 February 2018. Web.

Rosa rugosa”. Missouri Botanical Garden. Web.

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