Spartina patens

Photo Courtesy of K. Hubeny

Common Name(s) Salt meadow cordgrass
Scientific Name Spartina patens
Family Poaceae
Location/Vegetative Zone Salt Marsh
Flowering Period June-October
Identifying Characteristics Slender, wiry grass that grows 30-60 cm high


  • 30-60 cm tall
  • Leaves are green in spring and summer, turning brown in late fall and winter
  • Wispy and hollow stems
  • Deep purple flowers bloom from June to October
  • Flowers and seeds are only on one side of the stalk


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Cultural Uses

  • Used for fodder during the colonial era
  • Serves as a pollution filter and buffers against flooding and shoreline erosion


Spartina patens (Aiton) Muhl. saltmeadow cordgrass”. Plants. USDA NRCS. Web.

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