Suaeda linearis

Photo Courtesy of K. Hubenny

Common Name(s) Sea Blite
Scientific Name Suaeda linearis
Family Chenopodiaceae
Flowering Period Late summer to early fall
Location/Vegetative Zone Salt Marsh (Horseshoe Cove)
Identifying Characteristics Grows to be 2 feet in height


  • Leaves alternate in shape and are green in color, stems branched, branches have numerous segments, waxy appearance.
  • In late summer or early fall, numerous tiny green flowers, about 0.1 inch wide.

Medicinal/Edible Uses

  • Sea blite can be boiled or steamed; it is known to be a tasty warm salad when hard boiled eggs are added.
  • Leaves pickled to make relish

Cultural Uses

  • Different species of Suaeda were used by Native Americans in order to make the black patterns in woven baskets
  • The entire plant was added to boiled water and steeped in order to extract the potent dye


Deane. “Sea Blite, Seepweed”. Eat the Weeds. Web.

Suaeda linearis- Annual Sea Blite“. Go Botany. Web.

“Suaeda maritima – (L.)Dum.”. Plants For A Future. Web.

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